Friday, April 15, 2011

The Genius in YOU

It's been long since I've written


Close your eyes

Free yourself from any troubles you might have now

Are you ready? Okay then,

Picture youself as a butterfly Floating on midair, perfectly fluttering your wings to the cool breeze, the warm sun, and the beautiful flowers beneath you. You struggled through the tight cocoon you once had wrapped around your fragile body. And now you have undergone metamorphic change.

As you fly around a small garden, you stumble upon a caterpillar, refusing to turn itself into a cocoon. It's afraid he might not see light anymore. So you, just coming from the wild ride, tell him,

"Fear is the only thing that hinders us from ever growing. Take chances, take risks, and in the end, it will all be worth it".

But the caterpillar refuses to listen. He says in reply,

"Who are you to tell me what I feel? I don't even know you!"

You, taken aback by his rude behavior, calm yourself. You take a deep breath and think this will all pass. So you resume your cool and say,

"I was once like you, Caterpillar, and now I'm a butterfly", the Caterpillar looks shocked for you saw his eyes amazed at what he heard. How could a squirmy little guy like him have wings as magnificent as that? You continue,

"Yes, I once was like you. But to have been a butterfly, I faced my fears. I was claustrophobic you know. But a wise man once told me, if I were to reach my goals in life, I should start with myself. I should be confident and brave", the Caterpillar is now silent, perhaps he is still digesting the words that have come off your mouth. He looks at you and you wait for his reply. But he uttered no words so you conclude, "My friend, take your anxieties and worries away. I can help you go through it if you want", you're smiling and he says,

"Okay, but please be there"

"Of course. I gave you my word, didn't I?"

And so the Caterpillar's journey began again, and he wove for himself the best cocoon that he can. You say a few good remarks and say goodbye to his Caterpillar self.

"I will see you again, but the next time I will, you will be a gracious butterfly"

You fly out and resume your own journey.

You can actually imagine more.

Take yourself to higher grounds.

As one genius once said,

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

That genius was Albert Einstein. Yes, he imagined. That made him human. But he imagined more, perhaps even to places you've never been to. That made him a genius. We can be geniuses in our own little ways too. We just have to imagine and believe. :)

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